Friday, June 18, 2010

Week 5 : Music files and mp3s

Well - what a disappointment that was - signed up to only to find that only those lucky enough to live in the good old US of A were allowed to download mp3 from this site.

So I then went & took a look at Free Albums Galore - this would be a great site for those keen on classical & alternative music (strange combination). Not me.

Finally, I signed up to & tried to download a song - but - nothing happened. This site is great for finding info about artists & their albums, it directs you to where you can purchase the tunes apparently - but I could not get it to work.

Think I will stick to iTunes - simple, can buy a gift card, no need to put credit card info on-line. But it does lack some of the more unusual artists I would like to download (which I did find on the above sites but could not download - grrrr!)

It would appear that most of the "free"music out there is not the popular commercial stuff, rather tunes that small unknown bands have uploaded to get exposure. You get what you pay for.

1 comment:

tosca said...

I'm with you re: stick with iTunes!